Suited & Booted
Public agencies or charities such as Jobcentre Plus, the NHS, Crisis, London Probation and prison resettlement officers to apply on your behalf.
We provide suitable second-hand clothing and interview advice for vulnerable, unemployed and low-income men. This gives them better prospects of success.
Anything other than clothing and advice.
Ask a public agency or charity, such as Jobecentre Plus, the NHS, Crisis, London Probation and prison resettlement officers to apply on your behalf.
Referral agencies make an application, on your behalf, by filling out the form available at
Please note you cannot apply directly to us, the application must come to us via a referral agency.
Once a completed form is received, the agency is emailed and a suitable date and time is arranged for you to visit.
The clothing is second-hand and of good quality. Those referred must be able to make it to Central London in order to attend the fitting centre. Once you have an appointment arranged visit to find directions to our centre.
The Suited & Booted Centre Ltd
Via the website address provided above
Thank you Suited & Booted for making me feel like a valued member of society, not just a number, and for ensuring that I can look and feel great as I try to secure gainful employment."