Funds - Education and training

The Sidney Perry Foundation

Who Can Apply

The Foundation aims primarily at helping non Open University first degree students under the age of 35 when their course commences.

What Can Be Funded

Grants are intended to be supplementary, average grants being £1,000. The majority of funding required should have been obtained from other sources. Shortfalls of more than £3,000 will not be considered.

Distance learning, correspondence, part-time and short-term courses may be considered according to circumstances.

What Can Not Be Funded

Because of our limited resources we are unable to assist students within the following categories: second degree courses where the grade in the first is lower than 2:1, save in exceptional circumstances; second degree courses/other postgraduate study unrelated to the first, unless they are a necessary part of professional training (e.g. medicine, dentistry); emergency funding or clearance of existing debts; students over the age of 35 years when their course of study commences, save in exceptional circumstances; A levels and GSCE examinations; except in exceptional circumstances students on Access, ESOL, HNC, HND, BTEC, GNVQ and NVQ levels 1-4.

How To Apply

You are advised not to apply until you have a confirmed college placement and a full understanding of the total costs involved. Please ensure you enclose: completed application form (which can be downloaded from the website); proof of college/university offer; your personal statement; names and addresses of two referees (one of which should supply the academic reference); an original signed academic reference (on official paper); a statement by a person recommending you for a grant (see application form); a stamped addressed envelope.

Key Dates

Grants are based on the academic year and applications from first year students for their second year should arrive by January.


Students will be notified by post regarding the Governors’ decision and no further correspondence can be undertaken regarding refusal. Enclosure of a self addressed envelope would be appreciated.


Only 1 in 20 people who apply obtains an award.


The Secretary
The Sidney Perry Foundation
PO Box 889


I just wanted to say the hugest thank you for your help and support with my fees."