Planning for the future
Planning for the future - Getting into employment

Inside Out Support Wales

Number of prisoners/prison leavers helped
Over 60 prison leavers
Who Can Apply
Anyone with a conviction in Wales or with a Welsh home address.
How the scheme can assist you
We support people with convictions, whether they are current, recent or historic.

Self-employment Support

Do you have employment qualifications or experience in prison industries?
Are you worried about finding employment when you get out?
Have you ever thought about working for yourself?
Are you worried about taking the first steps?

We can help.

Inside Out Support Wales has support available for people with convictions to help set up your own business. This can include business planning, HMRC registration, bookkeeping, supporting business finance applications, business mentoring and more.

We are also able to offer training courses, such as 'How to Get a Job with a Conviction', Why Employ Ex-offenders', Supporting People with a Criminal Record, and 'Entrepreneurship'.
How To Apply
Online referal via website or write to us via our Freepost address:


Additionally we:

Can support your application to university through a process of advocacy. We act on your behalf to help you apply to university. This can include helping you create an Academic CV, helping with disclosure, education mentoring, applying for student finance, attendance at Open Days and more.

Offer Transition support for individuals leaving prison and resettling successfully into the community. Working with us, you receive Transition Mentoring to adjust to life on the outside.
Inside Out Support Wales
I'm proud of myself, even through my journey life has been crazy, I'm very happy where I am right now in my life and I can see it getting better."