Funds - Art

Creative Scotland

Who Can Apply

Creative Scotland has a range of different funding strands, open to both individuals and organisations working in the arts, screen and creative industries. For the Open Fund for Individuals, you can apply if you are a freelance or self-employed artist or creative practitioner living in Scotland who is at least 18 years old. You must have a UK bank account in your name.

What Can Be Funded

The Open Fund can support a wide range of creative activity such as a period of research, development and/or delivery of creative activity for up to 24 months. We will ask you to tell us the start and end date for this activity and to describe the outcomes, benefits and impacts that you wish to achieve.

How To Apply

Read the fund's guidance and FAQs for full information on the eligibility criteria and priorities. Also watch our application walkthrough:

Once you're ready, you can apply using our online application portal.

If you want to clarify whether your project fits within Creative Scotland eligibility or get some general advice, please contact the Creative Scotland Enquiries Service. You can do this by email or through the Creative Scotland website.

Key Dates

For the Open Fund for Individuals, applications can be made at any time throughout the year and there are no deadlines.


All enquiries and applications are acknowledged. For more information go to

If you are considering making an application to one of our funds, we would encourage you first to check the specific fund guidance and associated FAQs. These helpful documents provide useful details about the individual funds, including what each fund can and can't support; who can and can't apply; and how much funding can be applied for at any one time.

Creative Scotland Enquiries Service  

Contact Us | Creative Scotland

If you want us to call you back, give us your number and we will arrange to come back you as soon as possible.