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The New Leaf Initiative CIC

The New Leaf Initiative CIC was set up by an ex-prisoner in 2014, to support others like her.  SInce then we have supported over 1,200 men, women and young people to fulfill their full potential. We are Prison-to-Employment specialists and can support your transition back into the community, as well as helping you to find, and keep, employment. We do this in the following ways:

West Midlands

  • one-to-one wraparound support from peer support workers can support you to resettle in the community
  • CSCS Construction skills training
  • traineeships for 19–24 year olds with guaranteed job interviews, plus support improving maths, English and IT
  • access to other vocational and accredited courses 
  • ID including CSCS cards, birth certificates and Citizen cards
  • access to support agencies including housing, substance misuse support, benefits and debt, mental health, clothing and food parcels
  • Job Club to support CV and employment preparation and job searches
  • in-house Recruitment Agency to support people into real jobs


  • The New Leaf Network sends out a weekly e-newsletter, which includes jobs and careers in the public, private and third sector for people with convictions training opportunities and more.
  • A positive network of ex-prisoners and people with convictions who can offer remote support, advice and guidance.
  • Monthly discussion group online on the first Thursday of each month, which focuses on all topics related to the Criminal Justice System.
  • Networking events to build connections in the sector.
  • New Leaf Network and Awards Ceremony which celebrates people with lived experience of the CJS.
The New Leaf Initiative CIC
9 Allcock Street
B9 4DY

0121 296 8339
Freephone Resettlement Helpline: 0300 102 3456
The New Leaf Network: network@newleafcic.org

If it wasn't for New Leaf I wouldn't be where I am now. They gave me a chance when I was hungry and homeless. I was in total darkness and New Leaf gave me the light."